Ariane Theiller



Age: 24

French artist and intern at Paris-based publisher Urban Comics who was among at least 129 people killed in a string of coordinated terrorist attacks consisting of six mass shootings, three separate suicide bombings and a hostage-taking siege across central Paris, France and its northern suburbs on Nov. 13, 2015 when several heavily-armed gunmen opened fire on spectators at a sold-out rock concert inside the Bataclan theatre and engaged in a police stand-off during an "act of war" organized by Islamic State militants, in which France had been on high alert for terrorist threats since the Charlie Hebdo shooting and a series of related attacks in Paris that killed 17 people including civilians and police officers in early January 2015 becoming one of the deadliest terror attacks to occur in France since the Second World War.

Cause of Death: Shot to death during a terrorist attack

Born: September 20, 1991

Died: November 13, 2015

Paris, France